Ultimate Male Health Blood Panel

Ultimate Male Health Blood Panel Box

This is an extremely comprehensive blood panel with over 120 markers to identify nutrient deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, cardiovascular health, Prostate Markers, PH levels, uric Acid Levels, liver and kidney health, immune and blood status, digestive health, omega 3 to 6 status, and ability or inability to build muscle & lose fat, plus a lot more.

Investment To You:

  • £1132 Lab Fee PLUS
  • £300 Consultation Fee*
  • Bio-Marker Panel Add-ons – Now Available


Panel available for clients in UK, Ireland and the Channel Islands.
Extra shipping charges may apply outside of the UK.

About The Ultimate Male Health Blood Panel

MEN don’t usually invest in their health. They often bury their heads in the sand and just get on with life hoping everything will be okay. You wouldn’t treat a motor vehicle that way, it would be put through an annual MOT and service to ensure performance at an optimum level. You should carry the same ethos through to your body, by investing in yourself to ensure YOU have optimum and continued health and sense of well-being throughout your life.

Phil has specifically designed the ULTIMATE MALE HEALTH BLOOD PANEL from years of educating himself on the subject of blood chemistry analysis, as well as completing hundreds of consultations with MEN from all walks of life, including elite and professional athletes. It is an extremely comprehensive blood panel consisting of over 120 markers which allows Phil to analyse the results and offer advice around nutrient deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, supplementation, digestion, fat loss, training & performance and any potential health ‘red flags’, plus a lot more.

Who Is This Panel Suitable For?

All Over Male Health

Those men looking for a comprehensive review of their overall current health status to ensure that there are no health red flags they need to be concerned with. This panel also looks at the health status of your prostate by looking at both your total and free PSA levels which are much more accurate than just looking at total PSA which is what most practitioner’s do.

Cardiovascular Health

Those men looking to see the health of their cardiovascular system. Heart disease is the biggest killer of men over 50 and is highly preventable. This panel will identify many blood markers related to cardiovascular disease which is primarily driven by inflammation, hormonal imbalance’s, toxicity and nutrient deficiencies.


Fat Loss & Muscle Gain

Those men looking to identify areas why they can’t lose fat and gain muscle and it’s much more than just optimising hormones. We know that certain nutrient deficiencies along with inflammation will have a severe effect on your ability to lose fat & gain muscle.

Male Hormone Levels

Those men who want to see what’s going on with their hormones from their testosterone levels, DHT, DHEA levels, through to their growth hormone levels when these hormones are not optimum you will feel low emotionally and find it virtually impossible to gain muscle & lose fat.

Athletic Performance

The male athlete who absolutely wants to take his performance to the next level this panel will 100% help you make the right nutrition choices, take the right supplements, create the right lifestyle habits and choose the right training for optimising bodyfat composition and performance no matter what your sport.

What Do You Get With This Panel?

Bespoke interpretation of over 120 blood markers by PHIL RICHARDS.

Your own downloadable blood report

One Zoom Consultation of 60 to 90 minutes with Phil Richards.*

IN DEPTH current health analysis

A bespoke nutrition plan.

A bespoke supplement plan.


*During the consultation Phil will interpret your results and explain the markers to you in great detail so that you fully understand them. He will also go through your nutrition and supplementation plan, and make any lifestyle and training recommendations to ensure you can get RESULTS safely, effectively & long term.

Ultimate Male Health Blood Panel Box


Over 120 biomarkers including hormones, homocysteine, key minerals such as Zinc, Magnesium, Copper and Selenium plus more comprehensive markers to assess thyroid, iron, blood sugar management and lipid function. This panel includes additional biomarkers for endocrine, sex hormone and cardiovascular profiles.

Click here to view all the of biomarkers tested in this blood panel.

Where Can I Find The Full Test Information?

See The Full Test Information Sheet

FunctionalDX Report Snapshot

See An Example Report

Blood and Stool Panel

Read About The FDX METHOD

Register your interest

Due to a high volume of demand Phil is not currently taking bookings.

This is to allow him to work through a backlog of clients and to give them the highest quality of service he can provide. If you would like to register your interest in this service, please provide the following information, and we will get back to you as soon as we have availability.

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