Online Coaching With Phil Richards

Phil Richards achieves incredible results. He is a world renowned expert in his field on training, program design, nutrition, and supplementation. Read what his clients say below to see their transformations.

Sign up NOW for your bespoke training, nutritional and supplement transformation programme.



What Do You Get With Online Coaching?

From Phil’s extensive experience of over 35 years of training professional athletes & professional teams he’s amassed a wealth of knowledge & expertise to ensure he can help you reach your GOAL no matter what this is.

A bespoke online training plan. This is updated weekly and provides you with video demonstrations on how to complete each exercise. *

A bespoke nutrition plan. *

A bespoke supplement plan. *

A Zoom consultation with Phil to ensure you fully understand your program so you can carry it out safely and effectively, plus to allow him to answer any questions you may have. This can include interpretation of recent lab results (blood and stool) which would ordinarily cost you £300.

* Your training, nutrition and supplement plan will be designed individually by Phil prior to commencement of your coaching. You will need to complete an online questionnaire around your current training patterns, nutrition, supplementation, and stress management to enable this to be designed tailored for your individual needs.

Who Is Phil Richards?

Phil Richards coaching a group

Phil Richards is an expert on training, program design, nutrition, and supplementation. His CV is genuinely world class. If you want to find out more simply click the ‘About Phil’ page and you will be amazed to read his story.

Below are some of the athletes/teams Phil has worked with in the past.

Today Phil mainly works with members of the public who simply want to get leaner, fitter, and healthier.

Phil's Famous Coaching Clients
Phil's Famous Coaching Clients

What Phil’s Clients Say


Laura Try Adventurer Video Creator Atlantic Rower

Working with Phil has honestly been one of the best things I have done in my life!

“I’ve been on Phil’s plan (exercise, food & supplements) for 12 weeks and I never could have imagined feeling as good as this! For 16+ years I have struggled with depression, anxiety, and brain fog. Despite my cheerful disposition, on the inside I was constantly battling with a feeling that wasn’t very nice.

Phil analysed my bloods and other things and put me on a plan. Within the first few weeks I began feeling better, but then into week 8 that it was as though a light had been switched on and that light then started to eliminated the darkness – that sounds deep, but I honestly never thought it was possible to feel like this; clarity of thought, energy, cheerfulness, a lightness and ease that I have never experienced on a long term basis (in my adult life) before.

I feel as though I’ve been given a second chance in life, and it’s all thanks to Phil, his knowledge and understanding of the body, and a passion to help others feel better. On top of this, my physical health has improved too – I’ve gained muscle and lost excess body fat which is making me look and feel better, which is always a bonus.

My menstrual cycle is becoming regular which hasn’t happened in about 12 years. But the way my brain feels is the absolute best. Each day is joy and life just feel easier.”

Laura Try – Adventurer, Video Creator & Atlantic Rower

Christopher McKaigue Testimonial Photo

The blood work and Phil’s knowledge of supplementation has been transformative

“I have found Phil’s expertise to have been extremely helpful at a time when I feared my career was over. The blood work and Phil’s knowledge of supplementation in how to aid that has been transformative for me. The program design of strength and conditioning carried out by Phil was also top class.”

Christopher McKaigue – Gaelic Footballer

Lisa McGurran Fast Loss Testimonial

The results after 12 weeks of Online Coaching with Phil

“I began Phil’s online coaching program in April of this year. Having worked in the health industry for 20 years myself I can’t express how helpful Phil’s coaching has been. I wish we had crossed paths earlier. Along with achieving the goals set out, he has been a wealth of knowledge and a driving force within my own career. If you are serious about optimising your health, reducing your risk of possible future illnesses or disease or are currently suffering with health issues then don’t give it a second thought. There is no price you can put on your health. It is an investment in the happiness of your future.”

Lisa McGurran – Personal Trainer

Caroline Stendall Personal Trainer Photo

I am thrilled with his coaching and my performance

“Phil and I started training together in about February this year with the goal of increasing my strength to get a better time at my 10 mile time trial on my bike. So far I have dropped 25 seconds off my overall time from my 2021 season, with another 15 seconds off my time at the weekend. I am stronger than I have ever been and looking to increase my strength going forward. Phil knows exactly what to do to get me there. I am thrilled with his coaching and my performance.”

Caroline Stendall – Personal Trainer

Adam Badoui Physical Transformation

Phil’s decades of experience come through from day one

“Phil’s decades of experience come through from day one. When I started working with Phil I was heavily overweight, I hadn’t been in a gym for 2 years and hadn’t worked out properly for 9 months. In the 12 weeks I’ve trained with Phil he’s managed to help me lose weight and get my fitness to levels I’ve never experienced before. Phil’s training is intense but always appropriate to the level I am at. He accounted for all the issues that cropped up during our time together, whether it was an injury or hitting the gym again after covid, the training was always intense but appropriate. Safe to say I’ll be signing up for another 12 weeks.”

Adam Badaoui

Online Coaching At A Glance

A Sample Of Phil Richard’s Training Videos

Phil training a female client for fat loss

See A Weekly Coaching Plan

Online Coaching Sample Nutrition Plan

See A Sample Nutrition Plan

Book Online Coaching With Phil Richards Today



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