Nutritional Immunology Workshop

Nutritional Immunology

Building A CANCER FREE Body with Phil Richards

Learn how to enhance your immune system with nutrition, supplementation, detoxification, sauna, stress management, sunshine, fasting, exercise, sleep, and emotional well-being. This is genuinely a lifesaving workshop. A depressed immune system will always lead to disease and unfortunately it is very common today to have an immune system which is not functioning optimally due to multiple nutrient deficiencies, toxic overload, and chronic long-term stressors that we face daily.

Buy today for £497

OR 3 monthly payments of just £166


Workshop Testimonials

I can’t recommend Phil’s courses enough if you want to live a disease free life and finally cut through the garbage advice of so many others!

Over the past decade I have attended seminars, workshops and webinars with Phil, so knowing his passion I recently completed the nutritional immunology online certification.  It was so much more in depth than I ever could have imagined, the information and research he has put into it is just phenomenal.

In his quest for the truth and achieving a life of optimal health he gives you implementable advice all backed up with research that you can use straight away.

I genuinely believe this course will be a game changer for me, thanks Phil!

Phil Robertson

The Nutritional Immunology workshop has literally left me open-mouthed for the incredible amount of shocking and unrevealed truths Phil is dropping in every one of the 12 lessons..

Learning that cancer is not written in our genes and that we can do a lot to strengthen our immune system in order to prevent and fight such a terrible disease, is giving us the hope and the knowledge that a cancer-free body is absolutely achievable. At the same time, Phil provides in-depth research about the true mechanisms behind cancer development, behavior and treatment, showing how badly conventional medicine failed in the treatment and prevention, not only of cancer but also of virus infections like the Covid-19.

Katja & Diego

What You Will Learn

1 in 2 people in the UK born after 1960 will be diagnosed with some form of cancer during their lifetime.

Researchers are finding that a declining immune system plays a much more significant role in the development of cancer than previously thought. The great majority of cancers, some 90-95% of cases, are due to environmental factors that are preventable.

Nutrient deficiencies, toxic overload, and chronic long-term stressors all significantly decrease our immunity which increases the likelihood of viral and bacterial infections along with cancer.

Cancer cells versus normal cells diagram

Cancer arises due to cells behaving badly primarily from nutrient deficiencies, toxic overload and chronic long-term stressors.

Chemotherapy Side Effects Diagram

Chemotherapy & radiotherapy can’t KILL the cancer stem cell

For those who do have cancer there is usually only 2 options people are given by their oncologist

That of course is chemotherapy & radiotherapy, and very few people will question the effectiveness of any of these treatment protocols and will put all their trust in their oncologist. In this workshop you will 100% know the truth about the ineffectiveness of chemotherapy & radiotherapy with most cancers and the oncologists know this and why chemotherapy & radiotherapy not only FAIL to reverse the cancer in most cases but can make cancer stem cells more aggressive and increase the likelihood of metastasis (spread).


Since 2012 it has been clear that at the centre of every cancer are cancer stem cells which drive the cancer.

Drugs can knock back a tumour by 50, 60, or 70 per cent. But no synthetic drug is known today that kills off the stem cells at the heart of a cancer.

Chemotherapy radiotherapy cannt KILL the cancer stem cell

Cancer arises due to cells behaving badly primarily from nutrient deficiencies, toxic overload and chronic long-term stressors.

We are literally swimming in a sea of toxins which is crushing our immunity.

We are literally swimming in a sea of toxins which is crushing our immunity.

The amount of environmental toxins that we are exposed to daily is absolutely staggering.

From the pesticides, herbicides and fungicides sprayed on our foods through to the plethora of chemicals found in our drinking water. The cosmetics and wash care products we use daily are also loaded with multiple chemicals that will suppress our immune systems and most people are unaware that the dental materials in their mouths are also have a significant inhibitory effect on their immune system.


In the UK alone, 245,000 people are affected by sepsis with at least 48,000 people losing their lives in sepsis-related illnesses every year.

This is more than breast, bowel and prostate cancer combined. Globally, sepsis claims 11 million lives a year. Sepsis, a body-wide bacterial infection, is a dangerous condition that can rapidly progress to septic shock and organ failure. With a mortality rate approaching 60 percent, sepsis is currently one of the leading causes of death in critically ill patients in the United States. Now, a new study published in the highly respected Journal of the American Medical Association has revealed that high-dosage vitamin C can greatly improve the chances of survival of sepsis patients, and I will cover this in great depth in this workshop.

Sepsis Diagram
We must focus on building optimum health if we want to build optimum immunity

We must focus on building optimum health if we want to build optimum immunity

Our food today is much more depleted in vital nutrients.

Extensive farming and the use of pesticides, fungicides and herbicides are all contributing to a compromised immune system. From my research, the immune system simply cannot function optimally without good gut health and an optimum range of certain nutrients like magnesium, selenium, zinc, iron, copper, quercetin, B vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin C and omega 3 fatty acids.

From my clinical observations from looking at hundreds of blood and stool samples over several years, these nutrients are very often deficient in most people’s diet – compromising their immune system’s ability to fight viruses, cancer cells and other pathogens that we are exposed to daily.

Over 70% of our immunity lies in our gastrointestinal tract

There are multiple factors that can significantly decrease the health of our gut which lowers our immune response from low stomach acid, pancreatic insufficiency, leaky gut, low levels of secretory IgA which acts as our first line of defence against the entry of foreign substances into the body, through to gut dysbiosis which is an imbalance between gut bacteria where we have too many pathogenic bacteria crowding out the healthy bacteria which will have a very deleterious effect on our immune system’s ability to fight off pathogens.

seventy percent of immune system is in the gut.

The health our gut plays a massive role in the health of our immune system

The TRUTH About The Jab

The TRUTH About The Jab – I will reveal all in this ground breaking workshop with scientific references on what everyone should know about the jab

The TRUTH About The Jab

You can’t even discuss vaccines today without someone thinking you must be an anti-vaxxer, quack, lunatic or a flat-earther, but what is the TRUTH about vaccines especially the Covid 19 jab? You will be genuinely shocked at what is Scientifically Known about the Covid 19 jab but is NEVER discussed in the mainstream media. Why?

I will reveal all in this ground breaking workshop with scientific references on what everyone should know about the jab. For example, why Dr. Angus Dalgleish (Professor of Oncology at St George’s, University of London) wrote an open letter to the editor-in-chief of the The British Medical Journal (BMJ), urging the journal that harmful effects of Covid injections be “aired and debated immediately” because cancers and other diseases are rapidly progressing among “boosted” people.

There is also a very strong correlation between the amount of muscle you have, and the strength of your immune system.

Research is clearly showing that muscle improves the strength of our immune system. Also, as people age, they lose muscle this is known as sarcopenia and older people also develop something known as immunosenescence, which refers to the gradual deterioration of our immune system.

Thankfully the research is showing that there are a number of things that you can implement in your nutrition, exercise and lifestyle to significantly slow and even inhibit this immune system decline as well as preventing muscle loss as we age.

Musclebolic Drive Course Cover Photo

Muscles are emerging as a very important organ for enhanced immunity

For our immune systems to stay strong you must ensure you get a good night’s sleep

For our immune systems to stay strong you must ensure you get a good night’s sleep

Sleep also plays a significant roll in our immune strength

With so many people struggling with sleep today this also increases the likelihood of having a weakened immunity.

For example, researchers from Germany have found that sound sleep improves immune cells known as T cells. “T cells are a type of immune cells that fight against intracellular pathogens, for example virus-infected cells such as flu, Covid 19, HIV, herpes, and cancer cells.

The study found a new mechanism through which sleep can assist the immune system. I’ll explain why you must aim to get 8 hours of restful sleep and if you are not, I’ll give you some essential information ensuring you can.

Stress and Your Immune System.

The Department of Psychiatry, School of Medical Sciences, at the University of Malaysia discovered that chronic stress prevents the rapid creation of infection fighting T-cells and prevents quick immune reaction.

Over 293 independent studies from 1960 through 2001 confirmed that stress alters immunity. In the words of Dr. Lissa Rankin, author of Mind Over Medicine:

“Our bodies know how to fix broken proteins, kill cancer cells, retard aging, and fight infection. They even know how to heal ulcers, make skin lesions disappear and knit together broken bones! But here’s the kicker those natural self-repair mechanisms don’t work if you’re stressed! It’s, only when you are in a state of relaxation do, they kick in and heal you.”

Long term chronic stress will literally crush your immune system

Long term chronic stress will literally crush your immune system

Enrol in this ground-breaking Workshop now for just £497

OR 3 monthly payments of just £166


Workshop Details

Below are the 12 lessons in the workshop each lesson is between 2 & 4 hours and each lesson is split into multiple parts of around 30 – 60 minutes to make it much easier for you to learn. Also each lesson is presented in webinar format using Power Point slides with me in the background explaining the information on each slide in detail so you fully understand the information being presented.

You will also be able to download the PDF document for each lesson.

I go into each subject in great depth and have literally left no stone unturned in giving you the most relevant up to date scientific research on how to optimise your immune system.

Lesson 1

Fundamental Understanding Of Our Immune System

In this lesson you will learn some important things about immune anatomy, what the immune system does and how it functions to help us to destroy pathogens which are organisms that cause disease & also how our immune cells kill cancer cells and prevent cancer from developing.

Lesson 2

Over 70% Of Our Immune System Is In our Gut

In this lesson you will learn how essential our gut health is for us to have optimum immunity. Many things can cause poor gut health which then as a knock-on effect to diminish our immunity and thankfully many things can enhance our gut health which improves our immune system and this is all covered in this lesson.

Lesson 3

What Is CANCER And What It Feeds On

This is the million-dollar question because if you know what cancer is then you can prevent it from developing in the first place and secondly if you already have cancer then you will have the information needed on how to manage the cancer and potentially reverse it. Also knowing what cancer feeds on ferociously will help you make the correct nutritional choices to prevent cancer and if you already have cancer you need to ensure you are not feeding it every day and starve the cancer instead.

Lesson 4

Hormonal Imbalances Linked To Cancer

In this lesson you will learn how excess oestrogen, insulin, IGF 1 & cortisol over a long period of time can create a strong stimulus for cancer growth. I will explain how this occurs along with knowing what the optimal levels need to be from blood tests to ensure you are not moving towards disease and if you are I will explain on how to get these hormones back into optimum ranges.

Lesson 5

Why Chemotherapy & Radiotherapy Can Make Cancer Worse

In this lesson you will learn the truth that the cancer industry does not want you to know about along with most oncologists and that is the devastating effects that Chemotherapy & Radiotherapy have on most people and, in many cases, make the cancer more aggressive and enhance the likelihood of spreading the cancer.

Lesson 6

The Covid Jab Cancer – Myocarditis Connection

In this lesson I will present what is scientifically known on how the covid jab works and how it as been linked to the potentiation of cancer along with myocarditis. Everything I present is published in medical journals. I will also explain how to help the body recover from long covid along with detoxification of the spike protein.

Lesson 7

Toxic Overload Crushes Our Immunity & Why We Need To Detoxify

In this lesson you will learn about the devastating effects that the plethora of toxins that we are exposed to daily are having on us and how it literally crushes our immunity and creates the perfect environment for cancer development. I will also explain the most effective ways to detoxify these toxins.


Lesson 8

Destroying Cancer Stem Cells Is The Key To Prevention & Reversal Of Cancer

The reason that Chemotherapy & Radiotherapy fails in the vast majority of people is because at the core of every cancer lies the cancer stem cell which is the mass producer of cancer cells and Chemotherapy & Radiotherapy cannot kill cancer stem cells in fact, they often make them more aggressive and can cause metastasis (spread) of the cancer. Fortunately, there are a multitude of nutraceuticals that have been scientifically proven to destroy cancer stem cells.

Lesson 9

Nutrients That The Immune System Must Have To Function Optimally

In this lesson you will learn that there are certain nutrients which are often very deficient in our diet which are essential for the immune system to function optimally. When you understand what these nutrients are and consume the optimum amounts then the immune system will become much more effective in destroying pathogens & cancer cells.

Lesson 10

Why Fasting Is Essential For Immune System Regeneration

In this lesson you will learn of the tremendous benefits that fasting as on our immune system. For example, fasting for as little as three days can regenerate the entire immune system, even in the elderly, scientists have found in a breakthrough described as “remarkable”.

Lesson 11

The Importance Of Sleep & Melatonin For Optimum Immunity

In this lesson you will learn how poor sleeping habits long term can crush your immune system and why it is essential to have a full night’s sleep. Melatonin known as our sleep hormone is exceptionally powerful in optimising our immunity and helping to prevent cancer and today most people don’t produce optimum levels of melatonin and I’ll explain how to in this lesson.

Lesson 12

How Negative Thinking & Chronic Long Term Stress Crush Your Immunity

In this lesson you will learn how chronic long-term stress has been scientifically proven to be an initiator of cancer. Excessive levels of stress hormones for example promote carcinogenesis by inducing DNA damage accumulation, increasing p53 degradation which is a gene involved in DNA repair, and other, related pathways. Excessive stress hormones also prevent immune cells from effectively controlling cancer cells by increasing inflammation and suppressing immunity.

Workshop Completion

Once you have successfully completed this Workshop, you will receive a Completion Certificate. This certificate will provide evidence of your continued commitment to to personal development.


Nutritional Immunology Workshop Completion Certificate

Frequently Asked Questions


As soon as you enroll, you will get an email outlining how you can access the Workshop.


You will have access for one year from either the GO LIVE date OR from date of purchase if this was later.


No, this workshop is entirely to allow you to educate yourself on how to enhance your immune system with nutrition, supplementation, detoxification, sauna, stress management, sunshine, fasting, exercise, sleep, and emotional well-being.


No, the purchase of the Workshop is for a single user only and they will need to purchase their own copy to access the information – please direct them to our website to do this.



You will be able to download the PDF document of the information provided for reference purposes.


Yes, once you have successfully completed this Workshop, you will receive a Completion Certificate. This certificate will provide evidence of your continued commitment to to personal development.


The course is written in an order that flows from each previous lesson but if you want to jump to another lesson, you can.


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