Female Health Check Blood Panel

Female Health Check Blood Panel

This is a very comprehensive blood panel with over 100 markers including hormones, essential fatty acids, immune health, anaemic conditions, key minerals such as Zinc, Magnesium, Copper and Selenium plus key vitamins like vitamin B12, C and D, also markers to assess thyroid, iron status, blood sugar management, cardiovascular health and a lot more.

Investment To You:

  • £573 Lab Fee PLUS
  • £300 Consultation Fee
  • Bio-Marker Panel Add-ons – Now Available


Panel available for clients in UK, Ireland and the Channel Islands.
Extra shipping charges may apply outside of the UK.

About The 

Female Health check

blood panel 

The two biggest challenges women will regularly speak of are; the inability to lose weight safely, effectively and long term and secondly, their challenge around the peri menopausal, menopausal and post-menopausal stages of their life.

For these two challenges the medical system will usually advise women to go on a low-calorie diet for weight loss and Hormone Replacement Therapy for the menopause.

Phil has specifically designed the FEMALE HEALTH PANEL from years of educating himself on the subject of blood chemistry analysis, as well as completing hundreds of consultations with WOMEN from all walks of life, including elite and professional athletes.

From his extensive research and consultations he has been able to see that a low-calorie diet for weight loss fails in around 95% of women for so many biological reasons. Also that synthetic HRT usually doesn’t resolve many of the health issues that women face during the transitional period whilst going through the menopause, and that the administration of synthetic HRT can have a number of potentially scientifically proven dire health consequences for women in some instances.


Ruth Goodwin Testimonial for the Ultimate Female Health Blood Panel

“Phil’s complete blood panel analysis has been a life saver for me… I’ve been challenged with migraines on and off for a long time, and couldn’t get to the bottom of what was causing them. I hate taking medication so would just take myself to bed for up to 12 hours until the migraine passed. I knew it was no way to live.. When I got my results Phil delivered them in his usual direct way “your hormones are on the floor”. No wonder I was getting migraines! A lack of oestrogen can often be the cause! I started straight away on a list of supplements recommended by Phil and body identical hormones. I’m diligent about taking them daily and grateful to finally be assessing what’s going on rather than just guessing. I’ve spent years throwing money at the supplements I ‘thought’ I should be taking , and actually they were making no difference. Phil offers very clear, accurate and precise information – it’s like a clear window into the body: total clarity! I’m blown away with all the information, and I’ve not had one migraine since. That in itself is worth its weight in gold. I’ll be going back to re-test in six months, and know it’s going to be a very different picture. Health is our wealth, I’m moving into the second part of my life excited to gain muscle in the gym and go for the high energy life I’m here to live!”


PALMELA KALKETT testimonial for the Ultimate Female Health Blood Panel

“I had followed Phil‘s work for quite a few years and I had reached a point in my life where I didn’t want my health to go the same way as my parents and be on medication for the rest of my days. I had my bloods done and what Phil told me really made me sit up and take notice. My health really wasn’t as good as I’d hoped for. Amongst other things I had the lowest vitamin D levels he had ever seen! Bit of a shock to the system being honest. The scariest thing was I had no indication of anything underlying and I felt ok, but my bloods said otherwise. Thanks to Phil’s guidance and knowledge I’ve started to turn my health around. I realise it will take time to turn things around but that is exactly what I’m in the process of doing. I’m just glad that I contacted Phil when I did as I’d still be totally oblivious about what was happening to me. I have made a commitment to myself to get my bloods analysed every year or so. If you really want to know where your health is heading and how you can change it for the better then I can’t recommend Phil highly enough.”


Who Is This Panel Suitable For?

Lose Body Fat Long Term

Those women looking to lose body fat safely, effectively and long-term using scientifically proven methods to get leaner.

Athletic Performance

The female athlete who absolutely wants to take her performance to the next level this panel will 100% help you make the right nutrition choices, take the right supplements, create the right lifestyle habits, and choose the right training for optimising body fat composition and performance no matter what your sport.


Mental Wellbeing

Those women struggling with depression the blood work can identify a lot of markers from hormones through to nutritional deficiencies which can significantly contribute to your mental well-being.

Assisting Through The Menopause

Those women who want to transition through the peri and menopausal period with a real focus on optimising health, so this period doesn’t become so debilitating that you can’t function properly.

Post Menopausal

Those women who are post-menopausal and have lost their zest for life through not just a hormonal decline but a decline in overall health and muscle mass this panel will identify very quickly what else is crushing your health and how to get it back.

What Do You Get With This Panel?

Bespoke interpretation of over 100 blood markers by PHIL RICHARDS.

Your own downloadable blood report

One Zoom Consultation of 60 to 90 minutes with Phil Richards.*

IN DEPTH current health analysis

A bespoke nutrition plan.

A bespoke supplement plan.


*During the consultation Phil will interpret your results and explain the markers to you in great detail so that you fully understand them. He will also go through your nutrition and supplementation plan, and make any lifestyle and training recommendations to ensure you can get RESULTS safely, effectively & long term.

Female Health Check Blood Panel


Over 100 biomarkers including hormones, essential fatty acids, immune health, anaemic conditions, key minerals such as Zinc, Magnesium, Copper and Selenium plus key vitamins like vitamin B12, C and D, also markers to assess thyroid, iron status, blood sugar management, cardiovascular health and a lot more.

Click here to view all the of biomarkers tested in this blood panel.

Where Can I Find The Full Test Information?

See The Full Test Information Sheet

FunctionalDX Report Snapshot

See An Example Report

Blood and Stool Panel

Read About The FDX METHOD

Register your interest

Due to a high volume of demand Phil is not currently taking bookings.

This is to allow him to work through a backlog of clients and to give them the highest quality of service he can provide. If you would like to register your interest in this service, please provide the following information, and we will get back to you as soon as we have availability.

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